Personal Information
Doctor’s Name | Prof. Dr. Bijoy Krishna Das |
Father’s Name | Late Chinta Haran Das |
Mother’s Name | Shakti Rani Das |
Date of Birth | 1st December 1961 |
Permanent Address | Vill-Karpara, PO-Karpara, PS-Ramgonj, Dist-Laximpur, Bangladesh. |
Present Address | Flat A5, Shantir Neer, 84 Bashir Uddin Road, Kolabagan, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh. |
Marital Status | Married |
Nationality | Bangladeshi by Birth. |
Children | 2 (Two) Antara Das and Bivas Das |
Thank you for visiting the website of Dr. Bijoy Krishna Das (B K Das), an expert in the field of paediatric plastic surgery. He was trained in Plastic Surgery under Prof. G Balakrishnan in Gov. Stanely Hospital of Chennai, India. He was also trained in Pediatric Plastic Surgery and Vascular Anomaly in Boston Children Hospital, Harvard, USA under internationally renowned pediatric plastic surgeon and living legend vascular anomaly specialist – Prof. J B Mulliken. He also trained in Laser Surgery in Harvard Medical School of USA.
Dr. B K Das is an international plastic surgeon credentialed by ‘Operation Smile’ USA. He visited India three times as an invited guest plastic surgeon and did many plastic surgeries in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Guwahati. He was also invited in Ethiopia and in China as a Plastic Surgeon. Moreover, he is also a team member as a plastic surgeon of Operation Smile’s international plastic surgery missions in Bangladesh. He is the only Pediatric Surgeon of Bangladesh to get such an exceptional honor.
He was a Medical officer of different Upazilla health complexes and Chittagong medical college, junior consultant of Surgery (Chittagong Medical College), Assistant Professor of Pediatric and Plastic Surgery of Gono Swasthaya Samj vittik Medical College, Professor of Pediatric Surgery of ZH Sikder Women Medical College.
Now he is a Professor of Pediatric Surgery of CARe Medical Ccollege and Visiting Consultant of Evercare Hospital, Dhaka.
Dr. B K Das has presented many scientific papers in national and in international seminars, such as – in India, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, Uzbekistan and USA, regarding his methods of surgery. He is frequently invited to share his specific techniques with his peers. He also published many scientific papers in national and in international journals. He wrote Bengali articles in daily news papers.
His books are ‘Vascular Anomaly in Children’, Shishu Kishorder Sharirk Truti-Bikrity O Chikitsa (Bangla).
Dr. B K Das devotes himself to correct the physical deformities of children and adolescents. For the betterment of underprivileged children and humanity he founded ‘Child Health Awareness Foundation (CHAF)’.
He donates Food, Medicine, Blankets to flood victims, river erosion victims, winter victims, poor patients through ‘CHAF’.
He was the founder General Secretary of Bangladesh Society for Burn Injuries (BSBI) and is a member of many national and international organizations.
Rtn. Prof. Dr. B K Das is giving free services to poor cleft lip and palate patients by the help of international organization- Smile Train Inc, USA.
He also treats poor patients free of cost. He is performing free medical camps in his rural house now and then.
Please take a moment to review some of our before and after plastic surgery photos. These results prove just the beginning; however, Dr. Bijoy’s approach is one of the total well-being
Academic Information
Secondary School Certificate Examination from Sahapur High School, Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination from Ramgonj College, Laxmipur.
MBBS from Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong University.
MS (Pediatric Surgery) From IPGM&R (BSMMU), Dhaka University, Bangladesh
International Credentialed Plastic Surgeon Volunteer by Operation Smile, USA
FICS (Fellow, International College of Surgeons), USA
Post Graduate Training in Abroad
Trained in Plastic and Micro vascular Surgery, Govt. Stanely Hospital, Chennai, INDIA under supervision of Prof. G Balakrishnan.
Trained in Pediatric Plastic Surgery and Vascular Anomaly, Boston Children Hospital, HARVARD, USA.
1989 - 1997
Medical Officer in Different Govt. rural health complexes and Govt. Hospitals
1995 -1996
Medical Officer, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Chittagon Medical College
1997 - 1998
Resident, IPGM&R (BSMMU), Dhaka.
1998 – 1999
Assistant Registrar, Department of Surgery, Rajshahi Medical College.
2000- 2003
Resident, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka
2004 – 2005
Junior Consultant, Department of Casualty Surgery, Chittagong MedicalCollege
2005 – 2007
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pediatric Surgery & Plastic Surgery, Gono-Shasthya Somaj Vittik Medical College, Dhaka.
2008- 2011
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Pediatric Surgery & Incharge, Department of Plastic Surgery, ZH Sikder Women’s Medical College, Dhaka.
Professor & Head, Department of Pediatric Surgery & Incharge, Department of Plastic Surgery, ZH Sikder Women’s Medical College, Dhaka.
2014 – Till Date
Visiting Consultant, Apollo Hospitals, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Membership and Affiliations (National)

Life Member
The Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Bangladesh

Life Member
The Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh

Life Member
The Bangladesh Pediatric Association

Life Member
Chattagram Ma-O-Shisu (Maternal and Children) Hospital.

Life Member
Chittagong Medical College Ex Students Association

Life Member
Ramgonj govt College Ex Students Association

Life Member
Lakshmipur Zilla Samity

Life Member
Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioner’s Association

Founder General Secretary (Former)
Bangladesh Society for Burn Injuries (BSBI), www.bsbi-bd.org

Rotary Club of Metropolitan, Dhaka, www.rcmdbd.org

Founder General Secretary
Child Health Awareness Foundation (CHAF), www.bd-chaf.com

Life Member
The Bangladesh Medical Association
Membership and Affiliations (International)

International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI)

American Cleft Palate and Cranio-facial Association

Internationally Credentialed Plastic Surgeon Volunteer
Operation Smile.

Project Director
Smile Train CARe Hospital Cleft project. (USA Based organization)

Former Consultant
Operation Cleft, Australia

Asian Association of Pediatric Surgeons.
Research Work and Institute
Sclerotherapy with Ethanolamine oleate for the treatment of venous malformations.
BSMMU ( Former IPGM&R) under Dhaka University
Works in Abroad as an International Surgeon
- Gujarat
- Rajasthan
- Guwahati
- Assam
- China
- Ethiopia
Participation and Presentation
- India
- Nepal
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- uzbekistan