Limb anomalies

Syndactyly– Variable fusion of one or more adjacent fingers

Apert’s Syndrome– Is the combination of craniofacial deformity with complex syndactyly of hands and feet.

Polydactyly – extra digit of hands and feet.

Mirror Hand – Symmetrical duplication of limb at midline. Fingers are paired on that hand. There are 6 or 8 symmetrical fingers.

Brachydactyly – Short fingers

Cleft Hand – V-Shaped cleft in the center of the hand

Absence of the fingers

Symbrachydactyly – Fused short fingers

Clinodactyly – angulation of digit in the radioulnar plane more than 100 .

Camptodactyly – Painless flexor contracture of proximal interphalangial (PIP) joint.

Macrodactyly – Enlargement  of one or more fingers and toes.

Club hand – Deformity of hand and forearm.

Arthrogyphosis – Congenital joint contracture.

Club foot: It is a congenital deformity involving one foot or both. Though all congenital deformity of foot once called club foot but now a day congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) is called club foot.  The affected foot looks like it has been rotated internally at the ankle. Without treatment, people with club feet often appear to walk on their ankles or on the sides of their feet.

It is a relatively common birth defect. It occurs in males twice as frequently as in females.

Diagnosis:  Clinical. No investigations needed for diagnosis.

Treatment: Depends upon the age of the child. Before the age of one year serial casting (Plaster) by Ponseti method may be or may not be followed by simple operation (Tenotomy). Surgical treatment – if the child visits the doctor after his/her one year of age.

Each case is different, but in most cases extensive surgery is not needed to treat clubfoot.

Congenital  dislocation of Hip: 

One or both hip joint may be displaced during birth process, which should be properly treated soon after diagnosis otherwise child will be crippled.

Congenital genu recurvatum, genu varus(bow knees/ Blount’s Disease):

Lower limb may develop bow like either inward or out ward. With development/growth of child these may cured naturally. A mild case does not need any treatment. Sometimes these may need surgical correction.

Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of tibia. 

Leg may be angulated congenitally like a false joint.

Treatment: Surgical correction as early as possible.

Cleft Foot:  

 V-Shaped cleft in the center of the foot.

Almost all congenital limb anomalies need surgical correction. Some may not need surgery like club foot if attend neonatal period.