Accidental anomalies/disfiguration
Burns, Injuries, Scars, post traumatic and post burn deformities:
When there is any operation, injury, burn or wound there must be a mark (Scar) which may or may not fade.
- Scar: Residual mark of a wound is scar. Minor scar may not be a problem except cosmetic. Large scars may be a problem like itching, pain, etc. It is not possible to remove the minor scar marks, but larger scars can be removed by plastic surgery remaining a narrow scar marks. Follow up treatment is scar massage, pressure garments and application of Silicon gel sheet or ointment.
- Keloid: Raised scar which extend beyond the wound. Commonly occurs in Negroid (Black) people. Uncommon in Europeans, Mongoloids, etc Fair color people. Asian mixed peoples also suffer with the problem following nose and ear piercing and other injuries. Treatment is problematic. Intra lesional excision of mass followed by intralesional steroid injection, application of pressure garments, silicon gel sheet or ointment. Patient will need long term follow up.
- Contractures: Following any trauma or burn, deformity may develop near joints. Patient may unable to move his/her affected part properly. Proper physiotherapy and application of pressure garments may prevent these conditions. If it still happens reconstructive surgery followed by physiotherapy, splintage, application of pressure garments, silicon gel sheet or ointment will solve the problem.